With nothing worth playing on the horizon, I've been revisiting old favourites. A lot of them have been character action and hack 'n slash - a nice change from the endless stream of Soulslikes.
I've made it through OG God of War, Godhand and am onto Ninja Gaiden. Anyone have any recommendations for follow-ups?
Gauntlet Dark Legacy is probably my favorite game ever and one of the best multiplayer games period in terms of pure fun.
Seven Sorrows is fucking awful though, don't do that one.
As a hack and slash it's okay to mid tier, but as a gauntlet game it's not so great. I figured I'd add it in, on account of the hack and slash suggestion.
Fair, but I think Gauntlet Dark Legacy (or even Legends) is enough to last anyone for their Gauntlet type hack and slash.