This isn't the first, second, third, or fourth time we've been overrun by retards.
This shit is much more damaging to a community than any of what Dom lashes out against could ever be.
He claims to care about keeping this community healthy, but continually let's shit like this happen, while simultaneously over-moderating legitimate users. While also not listening to the users, the majority of which think his rules are bullshit and counterproductive.
Reminder that he recently said that this comic is "pushing race war" and...
What is the message of this comic? Pretty straight-forward: In the inter-temporal race war of jews against all civilization, the republican party exists to serve jews and jews alone.
He also says people here want to murder him and his family.
He's also said comparing cops reactions to BLM to reactions to anti-Israel protests is "Asserting hypnotic control of the police to foment an international race war."
It would be one (still bad) thing if he was spinning out, but was at least doing his job in moderating other things. But he's not. Again, he claims to want to keep things healthy here. Are things healthy here, with how he does (or worse, does not do) things?
I've defended him in the past, too. I'm not one of his die-hard haters. He's good on many issues, and I appreciate his hands-off approach when it comes to many issues. But there are issues he weighs in on that he shouldn't, and issues he needs to weigh in on that he doesn't, at least in a timely manner.
He's lost the fucking plot, and is pretty much tanking this community which would otherwise be completely functional. He's the biggest danger to this community at this point.
Yeah. The NatSocs would do that. That's why I don't respect their claims regarding free speech, or oppression, or discrimination, or any such thing. It's obvious hypocrisy to everyone else, but they see it as an extension of the friend-enemy distinction. Anti-moral things done to anti-moral people are always moral. So the more evil it is, done to me and mine, the more good it is. It's a simple calculation.
Not the cops, just the way that the poster was making the argument. Had he left it as hypocrisy, it would have been fine.
I stand by this. This is the message of the comic, and it is the message of the NatSoc users. We both know that it is true.
Ignoring that you're conflating "NatSoc users" in there, this YOU KNOW IM RIGHT dismissive form of argument is common in political debates, but isn't appropriate in moderation unless you're a TV judge.
At best you can argue that's the message of the comic, but I don't see it. Is the message that the republican party currently serves jews? Yes that's a reasonable conclusion. Nothing else you concluded is. No idea where the intertemporal race war stuff came from. The comic is clearly about the recent protests on campus leading to the GOP supporting anti-hate-speech legislation about jews specifically when they never did anything for whites in general, and a retard-memed MAGA supporter being a victim of his own doing. There may be an implied anti-Israel or anti-Jewish bias, but you have to read between the lines to find that. It does not make the claims you claim it does. The follow-up with a retard lefty amusingly concludes the point.
While I'm not one to normally care about votes, I do think the number of downvotes on the comment compared to the other on the page does indicate that many people silently disagreed with you. (or thought you sounded downright nutty) This fails the "what would a reasonable person have believed" legal standard of punishment. It's on the level of thinking someone destroying a rainbow flag - or just handing out pamphlets advocating the destruction of rainbow flags - means they want to kill all gays.
We both know that I'm right. :P
Yeah that's the point of the propaganda. "Use motivated reasoning to fill in the gaps we intentionally left you". Same strategy as an early life check.
It's not silent when they tell me I'm a JIDF shill trying to subert the sub (and apparently ConPro) with some crazy Hindi Pedo Nationalst alt brigade (and that I should kill myself).
I'm not even bitching about any of that, it's just that "silent" doesn't describe it right.
On the contrary, it's on the level of thinking that a bunch of people wearing the """Progress Flag""" and singing about how they are coming for my children are intentionally trying to bait a negative response, but are letting the mask slip enough to show that the LGBQ2SIA+ movement is built off of the abolition of gender, a removal of sexual and sex-based norms to unseat capitalism, and use sexually abused children and young adults as a revolutionary political class. Yes, I'm skipping steps, but it's all there. What it definitely isn't is a simple satire to prove that conservatives are fragile and don't want their kids to be taught how to be accepting of other people's differences.
I don't entirely agree, but you are certainly free to have that opinion, irrespective of mod actions.
No, I get your frustration, but that's not what I was saying. What I meant "dozens of us" who don't particularly care about "The JQ" or whether you are a jew or not downvoted your claim, without saying anything. We simply disagree. Your struggle with racist trolls is noted, but irrelevant. Yet you claim that "this comic is obviously identitarian, you know I'm right".
Dude, what I'm telling you is that lots of us don't think this comic is saying what you think it's saying. MAYBE btbw is a NatSoc shill (he does seem to be very myopic) but your moderation action was wrong. The comic is fine and makes a legitimate point that does not violate R16. Maybe the issue is your issue with NatSoc/antisemitic ideas. Let me tell you where I'm coming from. Personally, I don't think NatSoc is a real thing. The holocaust means nothing to me, and neither does "a zionist cabal runs the world". I'm not jewish and those edgy larpers mean nothing to me. You think it's dangerous or damaging to the alt-right and needs to be nipped in the bud before it hurts the community. Ok fine, but that SinFest comic in particular still doesn't violate R16 or say what you claimed it says. That's all I'm saying.
Ban btbw for something legit if you want. Or just ban him for no reason. The rules are nothing but suggestions anyway.
I think it's fine for us to argue that the comic doesn't mean it. I think it does. I also think that National Socialism is real in multiple forms, unfortunately. All that being said. I banned him for something else just recently anyway. This time he was carrying on against the Indians.