I like to ask this question every few months.
Currently reading Life of Pi by Yang Martel. Saw the movie a few months ago and wanted to read the book. The one I just finished was called Black Ice by Michael Connelly. It’s one of the Bosch books.
I like to ask this question every few months.
Currently reading Life of Pi by Yang Martel. Saw the movie a few months ago and wanted to read the book. The one I just finished was called Black Ice by Michael Connelly. It’s one of the Bosch books.
Starship Troopers. Before that, Atlas Shrugged.
I am about to start my 7th or 8th read through of Starship troopers. I've read all of Heinlien. His juveniles are definitely my favorite and Starship Troopers is at the top of that list. The Man Who Sold the Moon, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, The Red Planet, and Farmer in the Sky are also ones I reread from time to time.
I heard they were gonna make a Moon is a Harsh Mistress mini series
I'm surprised this hasn't been done before. On the surface its about polyamorous commies fighting the man, you'd think that would probably get some attention on Hollywood writing rooms.
"Have Spacesuit - Will Travel" should be added to to list for anyone who likes Heinlein. Its about a boy who refurbished an old spacesuit as part of his fascination with spaceflight and is subsequently abducted by aliens. The suit comes in handy.
I'd just say start with his Juveniles: Rocketship Galileo, Space Cadet, Red Planet, Farmer in the Sky, Between Planets, The Rolling Stones, Starman Jones, The Star Beast, Tunnel in the Sky, Time for the Stars, Citizen of the Galaxy, Have Space Suit - Will Travel, and Starship Troopers.
I loved the Tom Swift books when I was a little kid. Heinleins juveniles are a rather based nod at them
We will encourage our kids to read all of them but probably only have Starship Troopers as required reading.
someone call mister flynt.
Did you read any E.E Doc Smith?
I enjoyed the Lensman series. You can tell exactly when it was written. I loved all the "ultra ray" beam weapons and such.