posted ago by AlfredicEnglishRules ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +14 / -0

Atlantic AI paid by Google

The Atlantic has a series of articles all about AI and how Google will save the world. If you remember the Donald Trump is Evil article series you get the gist. It's mostly interviews. This one is about creativity and how AI helps with that.

Google will save us by being properly restricted by Google

Capitalism will die and be reborn through AI. Google will lead the way.

Ethically created AI healthcare

How students are using AI in school. They aren't learning the way we demand they do.

Moving at the speed of trust

AI will help us communicate better

The year of AI is destroying school and how it works. Not paid for by Google.

How to be creative with AI and how it could destroy normal creativity

Doing AI right

Google Articles on AI

A Google article about AI being the future, especially if it's ethical

Google has been moving up… says an article paid for by Google

Various articles about Responsible AI

Time magazine promotes Responsible AI

Harvard Business Review says that Social Media was left uncontrolled and became dangerous. We should control AI now before it gets too powerful.

IBM comes in support for Responsible AI. The kind IBM can provide

We need Responsible AI… says Time

Responsible AI! It's a weird archive so you need to right click a bit.

If centralized Corporate AI gets control

AI needs to breach your privacy to properly work. Or so says the authorities who want to do it anyway

It's difficult to properly compare AI because we have no standardized systems for AI. We should do that, and ignore the progress that works against that. New York Times.

Adobe: Firefly

Here is an arrival saying the Ethical Adobe is paying off. By MIT no less.

It turns out Adobe Firefly is based on MidJourney images. They built their own database and used whatever they thought they could get away with.

Toms Hardware talks about the revelation

Firefly 3 has been released, and it is totally responsible …

Firefly 3 is now in Photoshop and looks great


Suddenly Amazon is pro AI

And it's breaking rules to get ahead

Non AI articles also abound. The one I noticed the hardest was about Seattle.

The articles by the Atlantic that were paid for by Google and about AI continue. This time Seattle, my old home, is paying the bill. It's going through a boom and inviting so many companies!