Disney died when they stopped doing traditional animation.
Some of the CG movies afterwards were alright.
But they're at the point now where they could be putting far more time and effort into them, and they're not. They're coasting on good enough, and fucking that up with propaganda.
They actually greenlit a movie where a girl gets her period in Toronto in 2003, directed by a girl who lived in Toronto in 2003, who presumably got her period then.
They've scraped the bottom of the barrel so hard they're tunneling to the core of the earth.
And the sad part is: they even sold all their old animation tools, the desks actual magic happened gone. If they even wanted to go back to traditional they'd have to start from 0 let alone the huge historical value they kicked out. Fuck Disney, I will not forgive this shit.
What’s funny is people can make traditional Disney art on modern computers. It looks a little bit too clean but it’s very possible. Disney is now just a factory for the Soylent of the animation world.
Disney died when they stopped doing traditional animation. Some of the CG movies afterwards were alright.
But they're at the point now where they could be putting far more time and effort into them, and they're not. They're coasting on good enough, and fucking that up with propaganda.
They actually greenlit a movie where a girl gets her period in Toronto in 2003, directed by a girl who lived in Toronto in 2003, who presumably got her period then.
They've scraped the bottom of the barrel so hard they're tunneling to the core of the earth.
And the sad part is: they even sold all their old animation tools, the desks actual magic happened gone. If they even wanted to go back to traditional they'd have to start from 0 let alone the huge historical value they kicked out. Fuck Disney, I will not forgive this shit.
What’s funny is people can make traditional Disney art on modern computers. It looks a little bit too clean but it’s very possible. Disney is now just a factory for the Soylent of the animation world.
It always was possible it's just sad to see how Disney destroyed history.