I bought a little tiny USB wifi thing for a desktop a few months ago and it plugged in and worked out of the box with no drivers or configuration. I've never had a single Nvidia driver problem and I've set up multiple systems with different Geforce cards in the last few years.
I actually took a bit of time I had free this afternoon and actually pulled the trigger on putting Linux on my laptop. It's a Microsoft Surface of all things. It's working fine after a couple manual things specific to making the touchscreen work on a Surface. I didn't even spend an hour. I've still got some minor software to set up, but I don't use that for much really so it will happen in time.
I bought a little tiny USB wifi thing for a desktop a few months ago and it plugged in and worked out of the box with no drivers or configuration. I've never had a single Nvidia driver problem and I've set up multiple systems with different Geforce cards in the last few years.
Yeah, that was years ago.
I actually took a bit of time I had free this afternoon and actually pulled the trigger on putting Linux on my laptop. It's a Microsoft Surface of all things. It's working fine after a couple manual things specific to making the touchscreen work on a Surface. I didn't even spend an hour. I've still got some minor software to set up, but I don't use that for much really so it will happen in time.