Feminists won't be a threat to the Manosphere unless they address actual men's issues instead of making up bullshit issues like "toxic masculinity" to try to divert attention to topics they deem nonthreatening. They'll never do that because they only bother with the latter to try to sabotage and coopt groups that talk about the real issues. Ever browse soy drenched shitholes like r/menslib and r/bropill? No self respecting man gets involved with those fags.
It's honestly astonishing as a man, to see women able to switch emotions like a computer program. They can go from smiling to sobbing to screaming in under 10 seconds without some kind of outside stimuli.
They're like psychotic robots that simultaneously feel and don't feel the emotions they display. It's really unfortunate for society as a whole that men aren't able to see through their act most of the time.
Feminists won't be a threat to the Manosphere unless they address actual men's issues instead of making up bullshit issues like "toxic masculinity" to try to divert attention to topics they deem nonthreatening. They'll never do that because they only bother with the latter to try to sabotage and coopt groups that talk about the real issues. Ever browse soy drenched shitholes like r/menslib and r/bropill? No self respecting man gets involved with those fags.
Trust not a woman when she weeps, for it is her nature to weep when she wants her will.
2400 years later and nothings changed.
It's honestly astonishing as a man, to see women able to switch emotions like a computer program. They can go from smiling to sobbing to screaming in under 10 seconds without some kind of outside stimuli.
They're like psychotic robots that simultaneously feel and don't feel the emotions they display. It's really unfortunate for society as a whole that men aren't able to see through their act most of the time.