Different group, the Green Party isn't involved in this.
While the name and policies may be similar to other green parties, the Scottish Greens are a distinct party in Scotland compared to others in the UK hence the specific name of the party.
This is unlike Scottish Labour or the Scottish Conservatives which don't technically exist as they literally are just "branch offices" of the larger parties known across the UK.
Scottish Labour is registered with the UK Electoral Commission as a description and Accounting Unit (AU) of the UK Labour Party and is therefore not a registered political party under the terms of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.
Which is oddly based
Doubtful, the SNP have been driving over the same cliff as the Scottish Greens on many topics and includes topics relating to gender identify and adjustment. For it to stop now should raise questions rather than praise.
I guess being a massive racist isn't enough to stay in control when you go against the other psychos
It's not even that, he's just deeply unlikeable before even getting on to any topics surrounding race. He has zero humility and attacks anyone who criticises him even in a lighthearted way. There are videos of him using an electric scooter insider a government building and because he's going far too fast, highlighted by the aid trying to keep up with him, he falls off it. Which led to a lot of people laughing at the situation as is going to happen almost everywhere that sees such a fumble. Instead of having just a shred of humility about the whole thing and bothering to admit he fucked up going too fast, he attacked those who laughed at the situation which did him no favours with being likeable or relatable as a public figure.
Different group, the Green Party isn't involved in this.
While the name and policies may be similar to other green parties, the Scottish Greens are a distinct party in Scotland compared to others in the UK hence the specific name of the party.
This is unlike Scottish Labour or the Scottish Conservatives which don't technically exist as they literally are just "branch offices" of the larger parties known across the UK.
Doubtful, the SNP have been driving over the same cliff as the Scottish Greens on many topics and includes topics relating to gender identify and adjustment. For it to stop now should raise questions rather than praise.
It's not even that, he's just deeply unlikeable before even getting on to any topics surrounding race. He has zero humility and attacks anyone who criticises him even in a lighthearted way. There are videos of him using an electric scooter insider a government building and because he's going far too fast, highlighted by the aid trying to keep up with him, he falls off it. Which led to a lot of people laughing at the situation as is going to happen almost everywhere that sees such a fumble. Instead of having just a shred of humility about the whole thing and bothering to admit he fucked up going too fast, he attacked those who laughed at the situation which did him no favours with being likeable or relatable as a public figure.