I hate how leftists operate. I still hear retards bitching about "Tucker Carlson's racist trees." They act like he went on at length, when he was just having some fun mocking...shit some leftists were actually doing. There were prominent articles on racist trees, dead serious, from the left. Is it indicative of the entire left? Depends on how literal you want to get, I suppose. Not exactly, but it's also not far off, so sort of?
So, yeah, most "queer" people aren't going to be identifying as a season. But it's also presumably a thing some are doing, and that's worth mocking. Leftists love to eat their cake and have it too. Do ridiculous shit, then call out their opponents and try to make them seem like obsessed cringelords for...talking about it.
Some gender season shit blew up and went viral, apparently. You'd be silly not to at least mention it, but these faggots then try to act like you're insane. I can guarantee you the jackass complaining is more plugged in to how the internet works than Jesse Watters is. They know how memes and viral hits work. If they're slightly self aware (big if) they know they're being disingenuous.
The most frustrating part is, the attack works. Plenty of conservatives are pretty cringe. And, although it's dwindling, the left still controls a big chunk of the narrative, so they largely get to write the story. It's easy to do a Conservatives Pounce sort of spin on this. "Jesse Watters (and anyone else talking about this) is insane, obsessed, out of touch, can't take a joke, etc."
I hate how leftists operate. I still hear retards bitching about "Tucker Carlson's racist trees." They act like he went on at length, when he was just having some fun mocking...shit some leftists were actually doing. There were prominent articles on racist trees, dead serious, from the left. Is it indicative of the entire left? Depends on how literal you want to get, I suppose. Not exactly, but it's also not far off, so sort of?
So, yeah, most "queer" people aren't going to be identifying as a season. But it's also presumably a thing some are doing, and that's worth mocking. Leftists love to eat their cake and have it too. Do ridiculous shit, then call out their opponents and try to make them seem like obsessed cringelords for...talking about it.
Some gender season shit blew up and went viral, apparently. You'd be silly not to at least mention it, but these faggots then try to act like you're insane. I can guarantee you the jackass complaining is more plugged in to how the internet works than Jesse Watters is. They know how memes and viral hits work. If they're slightly self aware (big if) they know they're being disingenuous.
The most frustrating part is, the attack works. Plenty of conservatives are pretty cringe. And, although it's dwindling, the left still controls a big chunk of the narrative, so they largely get to write the story. It's easy to do a Conservatives Pounce sort of spin on this. "Jesse Watters (and anyone else talking about this) is insane, obsessed, out of touch, can't take a joke, etc."
It's all so tiresome.