19 "To woke weeks who consume sexist Japanese media" (urge.org) posted 294 days ago by Cronosmax2 294 days ago by Cronosmax2 +20 / -1 An Open Letter to “Woke” Weebs That Consume Sexist, Pedophilic, and Fetishistic Japanese Media - URGE Dear weebs and general enjoyers of anime and other media animated in Japanese art styles who preach about the perpetuation of pedophilia and Asian fetishization but still consume misogynistic and pedophilic media, You’re all hypocrites to me. The way that ... 22 comments share 22 comments share save hide report block hide replies
No way in fuck I'm reading all that drivel, but I will side with them, if it means keeping woke retards out of anime.
Wokesters, anime is sexist and bad, don't you fucking dare enjoy it, or you're just as bad as us.
Anime is bad, and if you watch it, you're all this 'isms!
...I'm all in favor of my enemies gatekeeping for me.
I'm not fooled, I explicitly called the author my enemy. But if she/he/it/whatever wants to tell wokies that they can't enjoy anime without being racist, I'm all for that.
She's aging, isn't she