With so few good new titles being released these days, especially by major studios, I figured I'd make a thread for everyone to share your favourite classic or older games, especially if they're lesser-known titles that others might have missed at the time.
I'll open with The Saboteur (2009), Mercenaries (2005) and Saints Row 2 ( The 2008 original)
Yup, the golden era ended around 2004 as the Xbox/console purveyors found points of cross-over with the PC market. There was pushback and "naysayers" (who were absolutely fucking right of course), but console 'tards are the reason gaming got so stupid. One-hundred million percent. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
Same thing with anything really. Happened with the internet in general. Mass market appeal = Drooling morons pour in.