I did indeed grow weary of it, tired, sluggish in my enthusiasm. But then the DEI invaded, and I could no longer sleep. Now, I am wary of things, rather than weary. Alert, not aloof.
Sarcastic spelling correction aside, pandering to looks is an important metric in game assessment, because... it IS pandering. If someone is pandering to me, they're making a product FOR ME. If they're pandering to someone else, they're making the product for them, and it is not for me.
If the product is at least being made FOR ME, being pandering for me, there's a chance it is a buyable product, unlike one that is pandering to DEI/ESG/BRIDGE, which is notably NOT pandering for me, NOT being made for my purchase and enjoyment.
I did indeed grow weary of it, tired, sluggish in my enthusiasm. But then the DEI invaded, and I could no longer sleep. Now, I am wary of things, rather than weary. Alert, not aloof.
Sarcastic spelling correction aside, pandering to looks is an important metric in game assessment, because... it IS pandering. If someone is pandering to me, they're making a product FOR ME. If they're pandering to someone else, they're making the product for them, and it is not for me.
If the product is at least being made FOR ME, being pandering for me, there's a chance it is a buyable product, unlike one that is pandering to DEI/ESG/BRIDGE, which is notably NOT pandering for me, NOT being made for my purchase and enjoyment.