Biden spoke about his uncle, 2nd Lt Ambrose J Finnegan Jr, while campaigning in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, describing how “Uncle Bosie” had flown single engine planes as reconnaissance flights during the war. Biden said he “got shot down in New Guinea”, adding “they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea.”
Link to video of demented Joe half mumbling his deranged story on the campaign trail:
Link to The Guardian article:
Press Secretary, and professional liar, Karine Jean-Pierre squirms and attempts to shame journalists asking questions about Biden's latest episode of senile dementia:
In the highlands meat is pretty hard to get. The locals mostly eat taro and sweet potato, both of which are starchy root vegetables.
There is local meat in the jungle but it is mostly birds which are small and annoying to hunt.
The locals all raise pigs, which are expensive. Every family has a couple pigs, and they teach them to come when called for feeding.
Once or twice a year each family will kill their pig and have a party. Without refrigeration the pig must be eaten right away. Weddings are super expensive and involve a lot of pork.
As a result the locals are fairly protein starved. In the highlands they have been this way for evolutionary periods. It is to the point that they get sick if they eat too much meat.
When a stranger wanders in to a foreign territory, one of the first thigs that the locals think is: "Free protein!"
This has been slowly changing through access to canned meats (Spam, etc) and missionaries teaching such foreign concepts such as empathy and restraint.
Yes. It does taste good. Yes, it does taste like pork, which is their favorite food.