posted ago by SoctaticMethod1 ago by SoctaticMethod1 +18 / -0

Prefix: This has NOTHING to do with the US elections or Trump directly, this is about the principle in general.

Have one of my friends in London (pray for them) recently chatting to me over some games, talking about how they recently got their voting ballots mailed to them. It's slim pickings to say the least but for one of the positions they only had the option of Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem, Greens snd Reform.

They're looking into the Reform candidate as they MASSIVELY went down in their opinion due to recent capitulations so they told me they'd spoil their ballot like last time when they only had 4 options and Reform wasn't even a choice than endorse ANY of these parties.

I personally think this is the right choice. Everyone SHOULD vote but if none of the candidates match up to your morality or standards, you should be given the right to put none of the above or straight up spoil your ballot in refusal to endorse. The UK ballots apparently don't have a 'none of the above' option even though it is perfectly legal to spoil your ballot and is in fact counted as a spoiled ballot on election day.

I'm just thinking back on how humiliated Haley was when she lost a primary to 'none of the above' and relating it to the poor voter turnout numbers of the UK and other Western countries. Imagine if all those didn't vote turned into refuse to endorse votes, might be enough to show how much the emperor is without clothes.