I don't know specifics but the best place to start is probably going to be about the Guelphs vs. the Ghibellines.
It was a conflict between patriarchal monarchs and gynocratic priests, essentially. The priests won which set the stage for the Catholic Church being able to significantly increase its power and this is when things started becoming incredibly gynocratic comparted to the more patriarchal imperium that was the legacy of antiquity.
Almost all the best Christians were before this period in time where the Catholic Church was able to consolidate its power to that of being above the monarchs and it's no surprise the great schism happened not soon after this stage was set because this power of the church corrupted society immensely as things started becoming more gynocratic and decadent.
Christianity has always been gynocratic even at the very beginning. The whole reason Christianity took off over traditional Roman values/beliefs is because traditional Roman values/beliefs has a male-centric slant since they were very action oriented based. You only gain glory by doing something glorious and women weren't able to compete with men in being able to do anything glorious so women disliked this religion. Christianity on the other hand said you just had to be a good person and you got everything you wanted in life so women loved this because it allowed them an equal opportunity for the same sort of grand salvation as men by basically doing nothing. Not to mention, Christianity encouraged monogamy and devotion to women compared to more traditional antiquity beliefs that saw women as a sort of possession akin to a prize for a man to do as he please with. Women felt compared to how things were previously, that Christianity gave them more control over the men in their lives.
I don't know specifics but the best place to start is probably going to be about the Guelphs vs. the Ghibellines.
It was a conflict between patriarchal monarchs and gynocratic priests, essentially. The priests won which set the stage for the Catholic Church being able to significantly increase its power and this is when things started becoming incredibly gynocratic comparted to the more patriarchal imperium that was the legacy of antiquity.
Almost all the best Christians were before this period in time where the Catholic Church was able to consolidate its power to that of being above the monarchs and it's no surprise the great schism happened not soon after this stage was set because this power of the church corrupted society immensely as things started becoming more gynocratic and decadent.
Christianity has always been gynocratic even at the very beginning. The whole reason Christianity took off over traditional Roman values/beliefs is because traditional Roman values/beliefs has a male-centric slant since they were very action oriented based. You only gain glory by doing something glorious and women weren't able to compete with men in being able to do anything glorious so women disliked this religion. Christianity on the other hand said you just had to be a good person and you got everything you wanted in life so women loved this because it allowed them an equal opportunity for the same sort of grand salvation as men by basically doing nothing. Not to mention, Christianity encouraged monogamy and devotion to women compared to more traditional antiquity beliefs that saw women as a sort of possession akin to a prize for a man to do as he please with. Women felt compared to how things were previously, that Christianity gave them more control over the men in their lives.