This reminds me of a story I read on the Peddit sub several years back. It was about some guy in the Lolbertarian party who got caught going overseas and paying foreign hookers to shit on him. I said at the time that he should just become a Democrat and identify as the highest alphabet pedo group on the woke pecking order. He would go from a hated straight man subjecting impoverished women to his disgusting fetish to a poor oppressed queer person who's being kink shamed by bigots.
This reminds me of a story I read on the Peddit sub several years back. It was about some guy in the Lolbertarian party who got caught going overseas and paying foreign hookers to shit on him. I said at the time that he should just become a Democrat and identify as the highest alphabet pedo group on the woke pecking order. He would go from a hated straight man subjecting impoverished women to his disgusting fetish to a poor oppressed queer person who's being kink shamed by bigots.