The best part about a self-noticing post is all the anti-noticing regulars suddenly taking a break from commenting.
Turns out “white privilege” is just another case of “cries out in pain as they strike you”. They declare that whites have too much power, and then they use this declaration as justification for the establishment of systems that expressly disadvantage whites.
In reality, ethnic Jews have wildly disproportionate power and influence in the west, and the redistributive policies that target this imbalance have been successfully redirected towards a defenseless enemy demographic.
The best part about a self-noticing post is all the anti-noticing regulars suddenly taking a break from commenting.
Turns out “white privilege” is just another case of “cries out in pain as they strike you”. They declare that whites have too much power, and then they use this declaration as justification for the establishment of systems that expressly disadvantage whites.
In reality, ethnic Jews have wildly disproportionate power and influence in the west, and the redistributive policies that target this imbalance have been successfully redirected towards a defenseless enemy demographic.
I almost said “except for blue, because gosh darn it, he did eat breakfast this morning”.
"but steel's heavier than feathers"