To completely sidestep gender identity laws, why not have bathroom facilities based upon dick or no dick?
Have a dick? You must use this room to piss or change.
Do not have a dick? You must use this room to piss or change.
100% just boil it down to cock or no cock. I expect having it based upon anatomical reality of one specific organ can't be construed as denying gender identity. It's just cut and dry anatomy standards.
They don't WANT a simple solution, they want to cause divisions and infighting in society so the population don't direct their rightful anger upwards.
The women vote was becoming too powerful so they needed to fracture that. Unfortunately they didn't fully appreciate how MUCH of an in-group bias women have and there is a good chance enough of a push they'd vote hard right to stop men in their spaces, bathrooms being one example.
Ironic thing is, the "I need an abortion because rape" is far more likely to happen under left wing bathroom policy.
That's not irony, that's intent.