Brave is currently shitting the bed on me in what I fear is not an April Fool's joke, so I'm soliciting opinions. What browsers are you all using? What do you trust to not spy on you? Which browsers aren't thoroughly infected with ideological rot?
Obviously Google Chrome is a poisoned well, but are there any out there that pass muster?
How is Brave screwing you over? I'm using it right now, and I have seen no issues.
Popped it open today and it closes after a few seconds. They changed something and it has made the browser 100% unusable. I tried uninstalling and when I went to reinstall I'm met with a message of "no update found", so now I'm just hard locked out of even having the thing installed on my machine. When I went searching I found I'm not alone in encountering this issue today, but I've yet to find any solutions, hence shopping for a new browser.
i'm 99% certain the problem is youtube.
open brave but don't restore your tabs
turn off the shields entirely in settings
restore your tabs, close all the youtube ones
then turn shields back on in settings and restart brave
it's been working for me since i did this
It's too late, I uninstalled and am now unable to get an installer to actually install the software. It may indeed have been saved Youtube tabs fucking me over, but at this point I find it more concerning that the installer is dead on arrival. Something fishy is going on. I even dug out my old installer which I used four or five years ago when I first luck. Everything's dead.
yeah i got nothing for that