Like BlueDrache said, anything else would have made him a martyr.
Watch the news and see they'll tell you what an insane thing they put him through, as if to emphasize that the ordeal is the punishment when you do things like this.
Of course, they'll use different words, but they'll definitely mention how long it's been, what he's been through, and what he did.
I used to didn't like Terry Gilliam's Brazil. I thought it -- at the time -- to be pretentious and unwieldy with its plot.
However, I've come to appreciate it. It was a film well before its time because it outlined a problem we, as a people, were not facing when it hit theatres.
Today? Today, however, everything that the film portrayed as a nightmare scenario is practically true at this very moment -- a dystopian hellscape of bureaucracy that keeps you trapped in a cycle of nonsense until you break or comply.
The system is the punishment.
Like BlueDrache said, anything else would have made him a martyr.
Watch the news and see they'll tell you what an insane thing they put him through, as if to emphasize that the ordeal is the punishment when you do things like this.
Of course, they'll use different words, but they'll definitely mention how long it's been, what he's been through, and what he did.
I used to didn't like Terry Gilliam's Brazil. I thought it -- at the time -- to be pretentious and unwieldy with its plot.
However, I've come to appreciate it. It was a film well before its time because it outlined a problem we, as a people, were not facing when it hit theatres.
Today? Today, however, everything that the film portrayed as a nightmare scenario is practically true at this very moment -- a dystopian hellscape of bureaucracy that keeps you trapped in a cycle of nonsense until you break or comply.
It was true back when it was made.