More recently, he got off his ADHD medication and realized it had been causing his erectile dysfunction, not pornography.
Do not. I repeat, DO NOT. Let them medicate your kids for "mental health" issues for any reason. The drugs barely fucking work for the absolute tiny minority that have actual psychoses, and they're far more likely pathologizing perfectly normal behaviour that would be far better treated with environmental and habit changes.
If you're not comfortable giving your kids cocaine because they "seem a little down", you shouldn't be comfortable giving your kids any of the cocktails of SSRI, anti-psychotics and anti-seizure meds they try to foist on them for shouting too loud either.
Do not. I repeat, DO NOT. Let them medicate your kids for "mental health" issues for any reason. The drugs barely fucking work for the absolute tiny minority that have actual psychoses, and they're far more likely pathologizing perfectly normal behaviour that would be far better treated with environmental and habit changes.
If you're not comfortable giving your kids cocaine because they "seem a little down", you shouldn't be comfortable giving your kids any of the cocktails of SSRI, anti-psychotics and anti-seizure meds they try to foist on them for shouting too loud either.