posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +29 / -6

It's not just the fact that we keep getting recommended weird irrelevant shit in the recommended video sections anymore that's irritating me and weirding me out. Depending on where you go and I've noticed it's mostly the zero attention span normie content that has this in the most there. It's the most unimaginative bullshit you've ever encountered and what's worse it's very much got that "Ahahaha this is so funny you're supposed to laugh at it" reddit style energy.

I'm sure you've seen these fucking jump cuts/cut aways, not sure what to call them, but it's like they've got a generator for them and they just slice it into footage every time. It's usually something to do with minions or some other crap and I've gotten so fed up with it I just click off. They might have been funny perhaps in 2017 - 2018 or something. However they overuse the fuck out of them and sometimes it makes the content completely unwatchable when otherwise it would have been fine.

This is another reason why I tend to stick to the more autistic parts of the internet and watch that sort of content. Meanwhile they do all that crappy editing and seem to have zero research teams on the back end so lately they've been making some particularly silly fuck ups that even their own comments page calls them out on.

I don't know why jump cuts are such a major thing in youtube videos if it's because of the algorithm or what but this trend needs to fucking die along with the youtubers who keep doing it. You know those horrible cringey boomer memes where they got a meme generator and then it's a wall of text? It's like that.