I'm rewatching season one. Despite the left-liberal slant, it's still more edgy than anything I've seen in what I suspect is the comedy scene of current year. Not that I've really bothered to check things out. Is there anything really worth checking out?
Since the 'Summer Of Love' of 2020 the streaming services (Big Tech) have pulled many episodes featuring blackface as a gag. Most of them from shows of the same time period.
Apparently, even 'Golden Girls' did it at one point. Imagine that. 'Golden Girls' being more edgy than current year.
Even the '10 Jokes From 30 Rock That Have Already Aged Poorly' article on Screenrant, predictably written by a female blogger, is more a promotional ad than anything else. (Although, those tranny episodes were truly cringe. How could they not be?)
Social media, Big Tech and the Democrats really did a number on society.
The purpose of being critical of edge is so that criticism can be wielded as a weapon against people they don't like. The left, of course, gives themselves a pass. In both fiction (30 Rock and countless others) and reality (Biden & Indians in 7-11, Blackface Trudeau, etc).
This of course excludes "safe edgy" where it's always acceptable to mock white people, Christianity, straight men...
The Overton window is tightly controlled and maintained by the proglodyte left.