One of the things that fractured us back then was we didn't have a clear definition of our enemy, it's why we did the 'ethics in gaming journalism' angle. When the older guard conservatives came, we thought it would to define and target the enemy but it was just them trying to make us THEIR boyscouts.
A decade later, we KNOW who the enemy is, we KNOW how to define ourselves so when the old guard try the same grift, we can say to fuck off and either fight in your own area or shove it as we'll do it ourselves. They still haven't adapted to the times and are largely still controlled opposition.
We learned from the first time.
One of the things that fractured us back then was we didn't have a clear definition of our enemy, it's why we did the 'ethics in gaming journalism' angle. When the older guard conservatives came, we thought it would to define and target the enemy but it was just them trying to make us THEIR boyscouts.
A decade later, we KNOW who the enemy is, we KNOW how to define ourselves so when the old guard try the same grift, we can say to fuck off and either fight in your own area or shove it as we'll do it ourselves. They still haven't adapted to the times and are largely still controlled opposition.