The amusing (and frightening) thing here is that liberal normies will forget they were all "#TeamPfizer!" and slide right into "This was the deadliest Big Pharma cover-up in history and Trump must be impeached for Operation Warp Speed!" without a flicker of hesitation or self-reflection.
Wait until the journoscum start referring to the covid vaccines as the "Trump vaccines". That's when you know they are changing the narrative.
The amusing (and frightening) thing here is that liberal normies will forget they were all "#TeamPfizer!" and slide right into "This was the deadliest Big Pharma cover-up in history and Trump must be impeached for Operation Warp Speed!" without a flicker of hesitation or self-reflection.
I hope he does get impeached for it, he's the one going around still claiming credit for it, I hope the Pfizer bucks were worth it
Buddy, the government were the ones footing the bill. Pfizer didn't pay a fuckin dime on this shit.
Buddy trump took donations from Pfizer