A white girl is in the hospital after she was mobbed by back students, and one of them beat her head on the pavement. The video has been making the rounds on X for the last few days, and some people are doing some digging.
Remember how race based discipline problems gave us the Parkland shooter and Treyvon Martin?
Well, it seems that St Louis suburb Hazelwood has the same policies in place:
Minneapolis has these polices, too, and teachers have been complaining constantly about being assaulted by their own students.
Move to another district yes, homeschool no. Depending on the state or town you live in, your property taxes to your city/town is still subsidizing the local public schools (because those taxes go in a large pot) even if they're just indoctrination daycares that don't teach much. It's not necessarily choking them like dropping out should.
Friedman's solution of having only those families who use the school pay, along with voucher systems could work far better with the right kind of population in a district, maybe with the town taxes maintaining upkeep of the facilities.