There exists exactly 0 examples of his capitulation to their "values", and now that can never be harassed into the franchise with his "official" (coerced) blessing.
By shitting on him they are of course sour grapes-ing him altogether, but in their hubris they don't realize how badly they're boxing themselves into a corner with how big DBZ actually is and how sacrosanct Akira Toriyama is as a figure overall.
There exists exactly 0 examples of his capitulation to their "values", and now that can never be harassed into the franchise with his "official" (coerced) blessing.
By shitting on him they are of course sour grapes-ing him altogether, but in their hubris they don't realize how badly they're boxing themselves into a corner with how big DBZ actually is and how sacrosanct Akira Toriyama is as a figure overall.
Absolute delusion and entitlement.