24 Trump is actually still bragging about Operation Warpspeed and the shit COVID vaccine 🤡 Please for the love of God, he needs to shut up about this. I actually managed to convince some of my friends and family to vote for him this year but if he keeps pushing this shit vax, they won't do it. (truthsocial.com) posted 345 days ago by onetruephilosoraptor 345 days ago by onetruephilosoraptor +35 / -12 Truth Social Truth Social is America's "Big Tent" social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political ideology. 19 comments share 19 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I know diehard MAGA Trumpers and they dont believe me when I tell them this stuff. In their mind Vaxx = democrats and that is that.
Furthermore I know diehard TDS people who also don't believe me when I say Trump supports the vaccines. It's the strangest collective delusion ever.