Game background music from late 1990s to early 2010 was fire. Seems these days.. video game background music seems too generic and bland. The music, along with many aspects of gaming lost its soul along with many things in the past.
Feel free to contradict me, but the last great Video Game OST was Doom 2016. Far Cry 5 got close with the "Hope County Choir" stuff, but that wasn't the full soundtrack, and even it had some issues due to clearly being written by lefties ("Your truth" isn't a phrase that belongs in any lexicon.)
Game background music from late 1990s to early 2010 was fire. Seems these days.. video game background music seems too generic and bland. The music, along with many aspects of gaming lost its soul along with many things in the past.
Feel free to contradict me, but the last great Video Game OST was Doom 2016. Far Cry 5 got close with the "Hope County Choir" stuff, but that wasn't the full soundtrack, and even it had some issues due to clearly being written by lefties ("Your truth" isn't a phrase that belongs in any lexicon.)