To some peasant from 1850, a wellfare leech who took a shower and put on second-hand clean clothes would seem like a lazy rich with their silly fashion high quality fabric, living-off some nobility pension. They even get carted-around the city by weather-proof big charriots! Wow!
Running hot water? Your living quarters are heated?! Magic lights? A matress and high quality sheets? The circus / theater, music / in a box with dozens of choices to watch free? You're living like a lazy king!
I can hardly imagine how some 60 IQ slave would percieve this beyond "fat = well fed, dosen't have to work, gets stuff for free".
We are individually better-off, with unprecedented amounts of wealth, even for someone of wellfare and food banks. Without working, the poor have access to enough calories to eat their way into obesity, in comfy heated individual shelters, instead of wasting away as a skeletton on the street ( dying that last way is now limited to broken drug addicts who somehow can't manage an appartment and food other people pay for ).
But in 1850, my ethnic group had high moral standarts, high fertility, high language retention, and was routinely establishing new farming villages for all that healthy population growth.
Today, White ethnicites are headed towards extinction with few exceptions ( Amish, Menonites, some branches of Mormons ) that cannot make a dent in the overall White population collapse.
No society can survive for long when each generation is only 45% - 65% the size of the previous one. Most White countries fell down to that 2 generations ago.
To some peasant from 1850, a wellfare leech who took a shower and put on second-hand clean clothes would seem like a lazy rich with their silly fashion high quality fabric, living-off some nobility pension. They even get carted-around the city by weather-proof big charriots! Wow!
Running hot water? Your living quarters are heated?! Magic lights? A matress and high quality sheets? The circus / theater, music / in a box with dozens of choices to watch free? You're living like a lazy king!
I can hardly imagine how some 60 IQ slave would percieve this beyond "fat = well fed, dosen't have to work, gets stuff for free".
We are individually better-off, with unprecedented amounts of wealth, even for someone of wellfare and food banks. Without working, the poor have access to enough calories to eat their way into obesity, in comfy heated individual shelters, instead of wasting away as a skeletton on the street ( dying that last way is now limited to broken drug addicts who somehow can't manage an appartment and food other people pay for ).
But in 1850, my ethnic group had high moral standarts, high fertility, high language retention, and was routinely establishing new farming villages for all that healthy population growth.
Today, White ethnicites are headed towards extinction with few exceptions ( Amish, Menonites, some branches of Mormons ) that cannot make a dent in the overall White population collapse.
No society can survive for long when each generation is only 45% - 65% the size of the previous one. Most White countries fell down to that 2 generations ago.