I was going through my YT feed, and I came across this long video about the Tucker/Stewart beef. It is over an hour, but I think it really puts John Stewart Leibowitz into proper context.
I had never seen those Crossfire clips before, so watching Leibowitz lecture Tucker on his moral failings was all new. I don't know how Tucker put up with his moralizing ass, I would have tossed him out almost instantly. I couldn't stand Colbert or Leibowitz back then because of how blatantly one sided and disingenuous they were, but I can see what Leibowitz is doing a lot more clearly now. It isn't about politics, it is about moral lecturing, and he cloaks it in comedy.
The first Rogan clip where they're fluffing Leibowitz they say Apple fired him because of what he might say.
The only evidence of this is John saying it. Apple was paying him a lot of money because they wanted a New Daily Show to get people signed up for Apple TV; that didn't happen because his show sucked. Viewership dropped off precipitously and clips didn't spread on social media.
Paying a lot of money, not getting results - facts - versus Thing John Said. Hmm, which is more likely...
I think it was Norm that gave the behind the scenes with Leibowitz saying he saw how somebody else got a huge ratings boost by attacking Crossfire and he's going to do that and get ratings. He didn't even care that they were divisive or unserious, he just wanted ratings. That's how calculated and slimy he is and always has been.