This rant is in response to the recent Perun video on the Ukraine air war. Guest Justin Bronk (a brit) does a good job until the end, when he devolves into constant whining about the Republicans blocking more US money for Ukraine.
This pissed me off, so here is my rebuttal to Bronk, as well as all the other many, many Euros who have been REEEEEEing about this lately:
Shame on Bronk for wasting 10 minutes whining about Republicans. As an American, I oppose any more US $ for Ukraine. All of Bronk's facts are wrong. The US spent $113 billion on a non-ally where we have 0 interests, all to bail out Europe. Europe has had TWO YEARS to get its act together. US funding ended 9/23 & it was known months before that Republicans in the House would block it. So over 6 months of warning. And here we still have the Euros whining instead of STEPPING UP.
Europe's GDP is 10x Russia's. Europe can easily supply Ukraine itself without the US. If Europe chooses not to, Ukraine's hardships will be on Europe's hands, not America's. America needs to draw down in Europe & pivot to China. And contrary to Bronk's talking points, US asian ALLIES (unlike Ukraine) will not lose confidence in the US because the US puts Asia first instead of putting Europe first.
Bronk & his fellow policy elites can cry all they want, but at the end of the day Europe is just trying to manipulate American taxpayers into paying Europe's bills so the selfish Europeans don't have to cut welfare spending to accommodate higher defense budgets. It is a betrayal of the US taxpayer to take American $ and use it to subsidize rich rival Euro welfare states.
It isn't happening. We will block it. Man up. Step up. Spend your €, eat the cost, & take care of your own security, Europe. America is sick & tired of you. You're like a 40 year old man still living with his parents. If Ukraine falls, it will only be because you let it happen & the consequences will be borne by you, not us.
When Chamberlain appeased Hitler at Munich, no one said "hOw cOuLd aMeRiCa dO tHiS?!" because everyone knew that Hitler was Europe's problem to deal with, not America's.
After World War 2 the US took the burden of securing Europe because the Euros were simply too weak to credibly deter the USSR. Faced with a choice of having the USSR overrun all of Europe then come for the US next, America decided prevention was better.
After the fall of the USSR in 1992, America no longer had any reason to stay in Europe in any big way. We didn't leave because of bureaucratic inertia & entrenched special interests, but we should have. This caused the Euros to cut their defense spending to the bone & shift that money into their social welfare spending, leaving the US taxpayer to pick up the tab for their security.
This transfer of wealth from the US to Europe has persisted for 30 years, primarily thanks to US liberal neocon foreign policy elites being eurocentric whites with friends in Europe who kiss their ass at social events.
It's time for it to end. The US is in terrible financial shape thanks to Joe Biden ramming through many trillions in additional spending. Our debt is out of control & we could have a fiscal crisis at any time. Biden has allowed - on purpose - 7+ million illegals to flood the country that will need to be deported. This is an operation of unprecedented scale. China is a looming & imminent threat we are sleeping on. The Border & China should be our focus.
Russia is Europe's problem, not ours. The EU wants Ukraine to join the EU? Cool. The EU can pay for the war. Ukraine isn't going to join the US so why should we pay for the EU to expand? Now Euros in NATO are declaring they're going to get Ukraine into NATO. Cool. Ukraine can have America's spot. NATO serves no purpose for America. It's totally one-sided, serving only Europe, not America. Europe isn't going to help the US with China at all.
Fuck the Euros. They'll scream for a while, but they'll get over it. The sooner they realize their paypig has canceled his onlyfans sub, the sooner they can move on & pay their own bills.
Yeah no, dude. Nobody here forgot how hard you shilled for the Ukies.
Didn't even realize who OP was.
This is like watching someone with BPD go through a cycle in super slow motion.
that's idiotic & a great reminder of why I left this cesspool
Yet here you are