If only they stop advising children to make their lives much harder. Being a normal kid is hard enough, but encouraging kids to be rainbows is setting them up for hardships and an overly complicated life.
Bullies will always exist. And its good they exist, because they build character and strengthen the bullied (as long as its not overboard). Shaming keeps people in the normal. Us nerds have been bullied a few times. Hell, the "new nerds" bully us old school nerds. Calling us racist, incels and etc etc.
If only they stop advising children to make their lives much harder. Being a normal kid is hard enough, but encouraging kids to be rainbows is setting them up for hardships and an overly complicated life.
Bullies will always exist. And its good they exist, because they build character and strengthen the bullied (as long as its not overboard). Shaming keeps people in the normal. Us nerds have been bullied a few times. Hell, the "new nerds" bully us old school nerds. Calling us racist, incels and etc etc.