42 Borderlands films hires old ladies & a chubby girl to play Tiny Tina (www.youtube.com) posted 360 days ago by YesMovement 360 days ago by YesMovement +43 / -1 34 comments share 34 comments share save hide report block hide replies
In case you're wondering how bad it is, Polygon likes it: https://archive.is/VJ6pw
There is zero chance a Borderlands movie will be good. Doesn't matter who's in it or who makes it.
Borderlands is an arcade shooter with the barest plot possible, that doesn't translate to a movie.
Eli Roth directing. Jack Black as Claptrap. Kevin Hart is in it. Zero chance it's good.
Why not just get the original VA for claptrap? He is literally a robot so looks arent a problem.