59 Transgender Daycare Worker Avoids Prison After Sexually Abusing A Baby During Diaper Change (reduxx.info) posted 1 year ago by YesMovement 1 year ago by YesMovement +60 / -1 EXCLUSIVE: Transgender Daycare Worker Avoids Prison After Sexually Abusing A Baby During Diaper Change - Reduxx A trans-identified male in Kentucky has reached a plea deal after being charged with sexually abusing a baby and will avoid prison so long as he meets certain conditions. Maria Childers, a former daycare worker, hired a prominent trans activist lawyer to r... 25 comments share 25 comments share save hide report block hide replies
FCD has been on .win for at least two years and has posted here many a times with only occasional backlash. It's just a bad take where FCD is accusing Kaarous of being a keyboard warrior.