The article about the Japanese feminists calling fully clothed women "porn" said something that hit the nail in how woke fucks operate.
They don’t consider how absurd they themselves sound, rather they just aim to attach the most damaging label they believe will affect you. If you’re someone who finds porn derogative, they’ll use that term to elicit a reaction in their favor.
You see this sort of thing with woke fucks all the time. They throw out the most damaging labels they can think of even when its not true, not accurate and doesn't make sense. What do you call this phenomena?
One group is calling them pedos and groomers accurately, because the lefts obsession with removing childrens genitals, and grooming them to be gay, is simply womens version of child molestation.
But on the other hand...
There's a totally different group that the other poster is talking about that's just name calling for attention. This group isn't left, and it isn't right, and isn't doing anything for any deeper purpose it's just attention seeking behavior.