There is nothing wrong with taking part in the pursuit with either faith and/or reason Graphenium, I applaud your efforts however you go about it.
I just, personally, don't think that we will ever get to a place without doubt being a healthy attitude to hold onto over certainty - and it seems to me that is the whole point of the experience of existence.
I hope you have fun on your journey and get 'enough' to sate your scepticism to keep you from being cynical.
I just, personally, don't think that we will ever get to a place without doubt being a healthy attitude to hold onto over certainty - and it seems to me that is the whole point of the experience of existence.
There is nothing wrong with taking part in the pursuit with either faith and/or reason Graphenium, I applaud your efforts however you go about it.
I just, personally, don't think that we will ever get to a place without doubt being a healthy attitude to hold onto over certainty - and it seems to me that is the whole point of the experience of existence.
I hope you have fun on your journey and get 'enough' to sate your scepticism to keep you from being cynical.
You could very well be correct (hah)
Cheers man