Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Vivek started his campaign as a great supporter, “the best President in generations,” etc. Unfortunately, now all he does is disguise his support in the form of deceitful campaign tricks. Very sly, but a vote for Vivek is a vote for the “other side” — don’...
And this is surprising how? Broadly speaking, the primary has 2 camps.
Camp 1 is GoP establishment, who are all in on either Haley or Desantis. Camp 2 is (for lack of a better word) MAGA and if Camp 2 does not go Trump they will go Vivek.
So, with the Iowa Caucuses less than 48 hours out Trump is trying to ensure his win is as big as possible. The odds of him snagging someone from Camp 1 is (at this point) virtually nil so his only option is to try to draw people from Camp 2 which means going after people who might vote Vivek.
DeSantis is clearly in camp 2 with how the establishment has treated him.
Establishment clowns like Lindsey Graham, Kevin Cramer and Rick Scott endorsed Donald Trump.
Establishment clowns like Chris Sununu endorsed Haley.
It is clear that Haley and Trump are the people in camp 1.
Vivek and DeSantis are in camp 2.
DeSantis's supporters are mainly people like me who think Trump fucked us with his terrible COVID response, especially Operation Warpspeed, not firing Fauci, not crackdowning on BLM riots and bad personnel selection across the board.
Vivek's supporters are people who think he is a younger better version of Trump.
Trump in 2016 was an anti-establishment candidate. In 2024 he is the establishment, look at his endorsements.
Dude, what are you smoking? I'll freely admit that Trump wasn't and isn't perfect but to put Haley and Trump in the same camp is absolutely insane - there is virtually no overlap in their supporter bases at all. If someone is even considering voting for Haley in the primary, then it is a virtual guarantee that person would vote for anyone else in the primary over Trump. The overwhelming majority of Christie's supporters almost certainly switched to Haley after he dropped out. And while some DeSantis people might swing to Trump if (or rather when) DeSantis drops out, my money is that if DeSantis manages to outlast Haley then well over 90% of her supporters will switch to DeSantis.
His point, and what he’s so scared of is that in Trump’s usual bad decision making when it comes to who he associates with, Trump is probably gonna make Haley his VP if he wins the nomination
I agree that would be disastrously stupid if Trump does it. Got to think it's unlikely though. Even with his bad personnel choices, Trump has to realize (especially after the fallout with Pence) that if he picks Haley as his VP he'll be lucky to be in office a month if he wins. All the D's will automatically vote to impeach him on anything and everything, and swaying enough R's to vote to convict will be a lot easier if there's a Neocon warmonger in the VP slot.
Heck, Don Jr said as much a few weeks ago, including saying "I wouldn't have her and I would go to great lengths to make sure that that doesn't happen". Sure, people can change their mind and/or Trump could just ignore that advice, but I think (or at least hope) Haley is a longshot at best for VP.
You are correct. Word is spreading in GOP circles that Trump will be selecting Haley as V.P.
The establishment wing wants Trump to pick Haley and they are promising him big donor money for doing so.
Trump in 2016 would have never picked Haley.
Trump in 2024 would pick her.
Trump in 2024 is an establishment candidate.