Depends on the game. For example key binding in fighting game can go a long way to alleviate wrist strain by rebinding to the numpad instead of the usual J K L and stuff.
Rebinding a game like Star Citizen which has a lot of binds and you can make a lot of those binds be alt+ something also helps a lot to have most things in your default hand position instead of having to move your hand about.
If it's something simple and the keybinds aren't too bad then I won't really care. That said it's always nice to have the option.
Sometimes also you just want to unbind something you'll never use.
Example, in Chromium browsers ctrl-d instantly adds a bookmark for the page and then you have to click on a popup to remove it. If the site was already in bookmarks I don't want to remove it.
This is really close to ctrl-f which I use a lot so I accidentally press ctrl-d way too often.
Browser doesn't have any way to change its built in keybindings, but Disable Keyboard Shortcuts extension at least lets me override it with nothing.
Depends on the game. For example key binding in fighting game can go a long way to alleviate wrist strain by rebinding to the numpad instead of the usual J K L and stuff.
Rebinding a game like Star Citizen which has a lot of binds and you can make a lot of those binds be alt+ something also helps a lot to have most things in your default hand position instead of having to move your hand about.
If it's something simple and the keybinds aren't too bad then I won't really care. That said it's always nice to have the option.
Sometimes also you just want to unbind something you'll never use.
Example, in Chromium browsers ctrl-d instantly adds a bookmark for the page and then you have to click on a popup to remove it. If the site was already in bookmarks I don't want to remove it.
This is really close to ctrl-f which I use a lot so I accidentally press ctrl-d way too often.
Browser doesn't have any way to change its built in keybindings, but Disable Keyboard Shortcuts extension at least lets me override it with nothing.