We have a very significant chunk of population when it comes to university who don't understand how wealth and job creation actually works and think that a piece of paper magicks it all into existence.
As a former college professor, I can say that this is true. College has become four years of daycare/extended adolescence with a quarter-million dollar cover charge. Even some of the best schools are turning into diploma mills. An alarming number of students go through thinking that if they just take the right classes, they'll get a magical piece of paper that will give them a comfy six-figure laptop-class job, despite the fact that they have acquired no useful skills in the process.
Colleges have become hedge funds that can hide inside of the school to use their tax exempt status.
As a former college professor, I can say that this is true. College has become four years of daycare/extended adolescence with a quarter-million dollar cover charge. Even some of the best schools are turning into diploma mills. An alarming number of students go through thinking that if they just take the right classes, they'll get a magical piece of paper that will give them a comfy six-figure laptop-class job, despite the fact that they have acquired no useful skills in the process.
Colleges have become hedge funds that can hide inside of the school to use their tax exempt status.