I'm skeptical of the actual viability of "A.I." (probably more of a buzzword rather than actual A.I.), but many companies are increasingly seeing AI as a holy grail. I think the default expectation is that tech companies and other companies will lay off the diversity hires to save money, but I honestly don't believe that.
DIE initiatives are so deeply entrenched in Western companies that I firmly believe that they will lay off the competent workers and keep the diversity hires on-board, competency be damned. This is especially true for all of the H-1B Visa pajeets. They will view AI as a way to contain any competency shortfalls and will continue to pursue DIE in the workplace. Cheap labor Pajeets will continue to replace competent workers in tech and their will be a greater push for diversity hires in every department.
I'm being overly-pessimistic here, but I don't see how A.I. would lead to the downfall of DIE initiatives in any capacity.
If you read the papers for AI it looks very Chinese, Korean, and white.
I do expect that there will be a lot of "AI" promotion. That's a bunch of fake stuff that is AI, but not what anyone wants.
"We do your taxes... With AI!"
This window cleaner was designer with AI
We'll find your perfect fit with AI... Wait that's already been done.
I also expect the big names like Google, Adobe, Microsoft, even Autodesk will be talking about AI a lot. They will have something like Gemini which looks cool until tested. Autodesk is promoting AI and I honestly don't know what will come of it. Stuff like Fusion and Revit already use a ton of AI to do stuff. Being a basic engineer or architect won't need a ton of work because the program already does it. Most people only need basic work, so I expect some stuff to get interesting.
I expect business execs to demand AI in stupid places. Website design with AI works, but not if it's shoehorned in. The same will go with cars telling you the route based on bad AI. My GPS gets drunk regularly anyway.
Most big companies are only big because the investors want them to be big. There is some old ideas here as well as better ways to obfuscate the money Laundering. The smaller businesses won't need bureaucracy, and can adapt quickly to change. The investors will demand more from them though. You end up with a submarine that shouldn't be going out joining the Titanic in the world created by idiot investors.
I think we'll see a slow drop in company sizes based on closeness to tech and entertainment. Videogames will be the canary in the coal mine on what will happen and how people respond. Porn is too scared to be in the spotlight. The further away they are from that, the slower it will take. Videogames have tons of problems, and can almost sink itself several times. However, one good designer can change everything. I think stuff like VR have failed because everyone making stuff wants to be cool, but don't have the talent to actually do it.
Companies like Google or Apple expect to ride the AI thing to victory. Apple thinks they will own VR soon. Academia thinks they will get hired out for all their discoveries, but don't look at how Hugging face and others don't care what uni promoted the paper, only that the code is available and works. It's going fast because so many are ignoring the usual academic publishing paradigm.
I expect a ton of prestige and praise to shoehorned and fake AI by the usual suspects. I also expect them to be out of a job by next year. We are at video making abilities now. Within a year, we will see films made using only AI by some fan. Hollywood will try to bring in, "producers of color and AI" and it will go over like the Marvels.
I could go on this subject for a while, so I will stop.