Depending on how far you go with the Pill, it can be akin to going Galt but in a passive manner.
To growing numbers, the juice ain't worth the squeeze in our postmodern world that borders mild dystopia depending on what individuals have experienced. Rational men assess risk before making hasty decisions, and are tapping out entirely or instead encouraging and fostering self-actualization and self-reliance. Hence, the statesmenpeople and money changers are in complete panic that more and more of their God-given chattel (especially competent and prime contributors) aren't playing the game anymore, which was either through coughing up their fruits or popping out new chattel. They'll just crack down more like the totalitarian shitwads they are.
Depending on how far you go with the Pill, it can be akin to going Galt but in a passive manner.
To growing numbers, the juice ain't worth the squeeze in our postmodern world that borders mild dystopia depending on what individuals have experienced. Rational men assess risk before making hasty decisions, and are tapping out entirely or instead encouraging and fostering self-actualization and self-reliance. Hence, the states
menpeople and money changers are in complete panic that more and more of their God-given chattel (especially competent and prime contributors) aren't playing the game anymore, which was either through coughing up their fruits or popping out new chattel. They'll just crack down more like the totalitarian shitwads they are.