however it is bad. don't get me wrong, and indeed 1 sided. but this shit that's happening to whites now... it's a slap on the wrist compared to what non-whites of the past had to go through.
Wait, so white genocide is real, but it's more polite than other genocides you want to dig up from the past?
Again, i'm not denying you whites aren't getting your asses handed to you legally. and their is a stigma in being proud of your race... in a largely white country i get that. but the stuff you guys are talking about... aren't even effecting just you guys. it's kinda effecting everyone. so i don't really care all that much. i mean i do but i just fail to see how this is a white issue.
How is it not? What other race is discriminated against in the US? And certainly so openly? Name how any of the "totally not white issues" are affecting other races.
if genocide is simply being slowly edged out of the gene pool... that's not really a bad way to go. especially if no one dies. so i don't see the problem in this.
So, racial sterilization would be fine? It's about the same, what's the difference?
kinda seemed like if america had closed boarders. this wouldn't be an issue.
Wait. Immigration isn't causing white genocide, but if it weren't for immigration white people wouldn't be getting genocided? Are you for real? *sigh*
i wonder why whites don't wanna go to non-white countries. but non-whites flock to white countries. really weird.
Nonwhite countries aren't paying white people to come to the country illegally? Nonwhite countries aren't giving free room and board and monthly stipends to white people who come to the countries illegally?
i don't give 2 shits about a tribe that sold their land for beeds. and as for racial extinction... who cares?
Yeah, and I'm the Nazi.
i know that in gene wise. white is a thing. pure white... not so much.
Yeah, but you're the only one talking about racial purity. And you failed to grasp my example of 1% white versus 99% white. Just because something isn't "pure" doesn't mean it can't still be diluted.
and yeah no shit sherlock. if whites were 90-100% of the pop. race mixing would amount to shit.
Again, you're making the argument that immigration does negatively impact the native population.
in real life... where? nobody likes the en mass of foreigners. nobody likes the bullshit the left are doing with history.
So, these things that are happening aren't, or don't matter, because you claim people don't like them? Irrelevant, because they're being done to us.
just the consequence of living in a mixed race country.
Again, we weren't a "mixed race country" until it was brutally forced on us.
the problem your seeing isn't something new. but something that's been there since this country inception.
Wait, so white genocide is real, but it's more polite than other genocides you want to dig up from the past?
How is it not? What other race is discriminated against in the US? And certainly so openly? Name how any of the "totally not white issues" are affecting other races.
So, racial sterilization would be fine? It's about the same, what's the difference?
Wait. Immigration isn't causing white genocide, but if it weren't for immigration white people wouldn't be getting genocided? Are you for real? *sigh*
Nonwhite countries aren't paying white people to come to the country illegally? Nonwhite countries aren't giving free room and board and monthly stipends to white people who come to the countries illegally?
Yeah, and I'm the Nazi.
Yeah, but you're the only one talking about racial purity. And you failed to grasp my example of 1% white versus 99% white. Just because something isn't "pure" doesn't mean it can't still be diluted.
Again, you're making the argument that immigration does negatively impact the native population.
So, these things that are happening aren't, or don't matter, because you claim people don't like them? Irrelevant, because they're being done to us.
Again, we weren't a "mixed race country" until it was brutally forced on us.
Absolute bullshit, as I laid out multiple times.
Stop replying to month old posts with your retarded essays.
You have the IQ of a brick. Get some help.