posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +15 / -3

So I know people have been lamenting the woke RPGs that infest the industry constantly and that's understandable. Something I've been researching as you well know is RTS mechanics which as it turns are also very similar to CRPG mechanics in particular with the selection box and so on, RPGs seem to be smaller in scale and more story based. I've also been looking up some pretty good tutorials on slightly more complex stuff like skill trees and proper drag and drop inventory.

Here's how I would do an RPG or CRPG modern style, you should be able to adapt to any RPG you want whether it's party based or not.

Use the dialogue addon I've referenced earlier because it will save you a crap ton of time and is very versatile. since it's already their why reinvent the wheel? You can also add character avatars to the dialogue among other things.



I would also have a look at this youtube tutorial on RTS selection, why? The selection box mechanics will work just fine for a party based RPG. I went out of my way to update this code the guy provided and make it work for Godot 4 so don't worry about having to implement it yourself.



Came across a very interesting video on skill trees, so if you want to make a classic talent tree system or something else you absolutely can.


Finally inventory, even though I prefer lists purely for the sake of simplicity and ease of implementation I think I might force myself to go through a tutorial sometime simply to understand all the mechanics behind drag and drop. I may end up liking the drag and drop mechanics enough though, depends on the type of game. I am a sucker for clicky buttons that are well designed.
