I listened to you plenty, and even agreed with parts of what you said. Your response was to slam one of our most pleasant users based on scummy and incorrect reasoning.
atleast when i critique/mock christianity.I critique your holy book. typically surrounding gay people.
I am amazed that this is somehow the most important issue. By the way, Christians are right about homosexuality. They say nothing about 'gay people', who do not exist - desiring to have relations with a given gender does not put you in a separate ontological category. They disapprove of homosexuality, and if one looks at the past few years, one can see why. It was the trojan horse for a complete collapse in gender norms.
You can say that society should not approve of homosexuality without looking down on people who do engage in that behavior, some of whom are very worthy, like David Starkey. And that is the attitude of Christians.
Never once! did i make a post saying it's bad to be a christian.
And perhaps you didn't. If you didn't, then I don't understand why you take such issue with Christian attitudes towards homosexuality. You say Christianity is bad, but it's not bad to be Christian. While Christians say that homosexuality is bad, but it is not bad to have such inclinations.
say being christian makes you responsible for the horrendous shit! your religion did throughout history
Religions don't do 'horrendous shit'. People do. In some cases, it's arguable whether the teachings of the religion are responsible.
how many people here hate jews. but i never see one of you mother fuckers defend them. ya know? against people who want to do physical harm to jewish people.
No? You must not have noticed my comments about the Jews.
and their's very little, to no muslims here. if their were i'd be just up their ass, as i am yours.
Maybe, but experience shows that people who are very critical of Christianity remain silent in the face of Islam, even where there are many Muslims, as in Europe - and in fact often defend Islam and Muslims.
i love how their's someone impersonating me called u/Bluestorrn pretty cleaver using 2 R's and an N to make it look like an RM. rrn very creative... you, FUCKING BASTARD!
I listened to you plenty, and even agreed with parts of what you said. Your response was to slam one of our most pleasant users based on scummy and incorrect reasoning.
I am amazed that this is somehow the most important issue. By the way, Christians are right about homosexuality. They say nothing about 'gay people', who do not exist - desiring to have relations with a given gender does not put you in a separate ontological category. They disapprove of homosexuality, and if one looks at the past few years, one can see why. It was the trojan horse for a complete collapse in gender norms.
You can say that society should not approve of homosexuality without looking down on people who do engage in that behavior, some of whom are very worthy, like David Starkey. And that is the attitude of Christians.
And perhaps you didn't. If you didn't, then I don't understand why you take such issue with Christian attitudes towards homosexuality. You say Christianity is bad, but it's not bad to be Christian. While Christians say that homosexuality is bad, but it is not bad to have such inclinations.
Religions don't do 'horrendous shit'. People do. In some cases, it's arguable whether the teachings of the religion are responsible.
No? You must not have noticed my comments about the Jews.
Maybe, but experience shows that people who are very critical of Christianity remain silent in the face of Islam, even where there are many Muslims, as in Europe - and in fact often defend Islam and Muslims.
Consider it a compliment.
What a reasonable and well-written reply.
This ought to be the last word on whatever controversy this guy is going on about.