Which is exactly what you get when you concede near total control of the ability to set/control the public narrative to the left.
The country/world is like this for that simple reason: the left indoctrinates the masses into its worldview, and it then keeps control by constant propaganda.
The 2020 election had every single hallmark of fraud. That's not an exaggeration.
If you were purposefully designing an election to look fraudulent 2020 is exactly what it would look like.
And yet millions of smooth brained morons will look you in the eye and tell you that you're crazy for even questioning it.
Which is exactly what you get when you concede near total control of the ability to set/control the public narrative to the left.
The country/world is like this for that simple reason: the left indoctrinates the masses into its worldview, and it then keeps control by constant propaganda.
Definitely, which is why Operation Mockingbird was a thing and why nothing was done to prevent it from continuing.
I'm not sure why regular Americans could have done to prevent it tbh.