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Time Traveller Dismayed by Lack of Diversity

LONDON - A time traveller who visited England in the year 1623 was shocked and disappointed by the lack of diversity he encountered, sources confirmed.

The time traveller, who identified himself as James Smith, said he was inspired to go back in time after watching popular shows like Bridgerton and The Crown, which depicted a diverse and inclusive British society.

"I was expecting to see people of all colours and backgrounds living in harmony, like in the shows," Smith said. "But instead, I found a homogeneous and oppressive culture where everyone was white and spoke with a funny accent."

Smith said he tried to find some diversity by visiting different places and social classes, but to no avail.

"I went to the royal court, hoping to see some black or Asian nobles, but they were all pale and blonde," he said. "I went to the countryside, hoping to see some indigenous or mixed-race farmers, but they were all fair and red-haired. I even went to the docks, hoping to see some sailors or merchants from other continents, but they were all white and dirty."

Smith said he was also appalled by the casual sexism and violence he witnessed during his time travel.

"They treated women like property, they burned witches at the stake, they fought wars over religion, they died of plague, they had no toilets, they had no Netflix, they had no fun and worst of all they only had two genders," he said.

Smith said he quickly returned to his own time, feeling disillusioned and betrayed by the shows he had watched.

"They lied to me," he said. "They made me think that history was progressive and diverse, but it was actually regressive and monotonous. I wasted my time and money on this trip. I should have just stayed home and watched more Disney shows."