There's also a push to blame it all on Telegram, to get it blocked or shut down. Ultimately they would also like user generated content banned too so you can't talk between others and will only be allowed to hear approved speech, think approved thoughts and say approved lines. Anyone who dissents will be treated in a brutal and harsh fashion. It's also why they don't like the cut of Elon's jib.
The dark web will become the digital speakeasy where the illicit trades of exchanging ideas, free speech and civil disagreement will take place.
There's also a push to blame it all on Telegram, to get it blocked or shut down. Ultimately they would also like user generated content banned too so you can't talk between others and will only be allowed to hear approved speech, think approved thoughts and say approved lines. Anyone who dissents will be treated in a brutal and harsh fashion. It's also why they don't like the cut of Elon's jib.
The dark web will become the digital speakeasy where the illicit trades of exchanging ideas, free speech and civil disagreement will take place.
Turning the internet into TV has been their goal. i agree.
The fundamental thing about it they cannot have: Anyone can speak. They rely on only favored parties getting a platform so they can disinform.