Edit: so someone informed me that it wasn't just in Japanese(i originally found it in Japanese) , he wrote the article in NINE different languages just to bitch about White Christians to as big an audience as possible
Here's the English version
Edit: so someone informed me that it wasn't just in Japanese(i originally found it in Japanese) , he wrote the article in NINE different languages just to bitch about White Christians to as big an audience as possible
Here's the English version
He's only looks like a Swiss to you if you have no idea what a Swiss looks like or you are just a liar. Next you will call a black guy a Swiss. And he looks obviously jewish.
. Are you a sayanim or something?
Don't you know that if a cat has kittens in a doghouse, it makes them dogs?
Apparently same with Swiss.
What's with all the shills all over .win/scored lately? Nobody used to get called a "stormfag" and now it's every post. Must be damage control from Gaza.
Ok snooping time...He went to high school in Wohlen, Switzerland. University in Berlin, New York and Zurich, where he now works.
You've clearly never been to Switzerland or seen any of the International schools which call it home (The best in the world!!) or met any Swiss people outside of Switzerland as they are quite a diverse bunch but now as much as people from the US or the UK.
The Swiss do experience racism though, as your favourite girl attested to the world and so stop your fellow Stormfags getting access to their gold that's banked there by jeopardising it and LOL at all the downvotes from you "Ihr schwachsinnigen Schimpansen könnt mir den Arsch lecken!"