Yes, an actual enlisted military guy was parading around his furry gay fantasies on social media as if it was a good thing.
Oh, it's much worse than that. He was a full O-6 colonel. That's the rank that commands brigades in the Army and air wings in the Air Force. It's one step below general, and is a rank high enough that they have reserved spots in front of the hospital or Base exchange.
Even if the wearer isn't in a command position there are typically only a handful of colonels on a base unless you're talking about a major headquarters like the Pentagon or some of the giant army bases.
This particular individual was a helicopter pilot stationed in Hawaii and outed himself with the picture in uniform just as he was retiring. He also had some pictures with the mask on the flight line and several with his junior ranked thralls wearing similar masks.
It caused a very brief stir on the military social media scene and then seemed to disappear in days without comment. He was positively ID'd. I believe complaints were filed about him, but as far as I know the military didn't do anything. Likely because he was already retired, although that's not an excuse because they can pull anybody out of retirement to discipline them.
Great read. The furry gimp-mask had me cracking up for a solid twenty minutes.
I'd be laughing more about that one if it wasn't, y'know, actually real.
Yes, an actual enlisted military guy was parading around his furry gay fantasies on social media as if it was a good thing.
Conversely, it's a good illustration of what men would have to deal with in joining up with the military, so... silver lining?
Oh, it's much worse than that. He was a full O-6 colonel. That's the rank that commands brigades in the Army and air wings in the Air Force. It's one step below general, and is a rank high enough that they have reserved spots in front of the hospital or Base exchange.
Even if the wearer isn't in a command position there are typically only a handful of colonels on a base unless you're talking about a major headquarters like the Pentagon or some of the giant army bases.
This particular individual was a helicopter pilot stationed in Hawaii and outed himself with the picture in uniform just as he was retiring. He also had some pictures with the mask on the flight line and several with his junior ranked thralls wearing similar masks.
It caused a very brief stir on the military social media scene and then seemed to disappear in days without comment. He was positively ID'd. I believe complaints were filed about him, but as far as I know the military didn't do anything. Likely because he was already retired, although that's not an excuse because they can pull anybody out of retirement to discipline them.